Update from Sasha and Rex

Hi Carol,

I hope you are doing well!  The new kittens on your website are just ADORABLE!

We just wanted to let you know that Sasha and Rex are doing very well.  Rex is somewhat of the lead cat—he eats first!  He is also the best jumper and climber in the house and wrestles with our tabby cat Coals all the time.  Sasha is as sweet, smart and beautiful as ever.  She treats Rex as her son and bathes him and watches over him but also needs and frequently takes the spotlight of her only child days.  Wanted to share a photo of Rex balancing on the banister.  The first is of him once he has jumped from the ground to the first level, to the second level of the banister with Sasha looking on.  The second he is going for the third level, which he did not quite make but Sasha and I were there to spot him! Rex has the longest tail we’ve ever seen on a cat!

Take care,

Carolina Blues Cattery "Sasha and Rex"